Corporate governance

Karolinska Development AB is a Swedish public company, with its office located to Solna (close to Stockholm). The corporate governance of Karolinska Development is based on Swedish legislation, such as the Swedish Companies Act, and the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code).

The shareholders' rights to resolve on company matters are exercised at the shareholder´s meeting.

The company's board of directors has the overall responsibility for the company's business. The board of directors is responsible for the management of the company in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, but its work is also governed by the Code and the Rules of procedure annually adopted by the board of directors. The Rules of procedure stipulate the allocation of the work, if any, between the board of directors and the committees established by the board of directors and between the board of directors and the CEO. Code of Corporate Governance The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance is built on the principle ‘comply or explain’. Karolinska Development follows the Code.

Code of Corporate Governance

The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance is built on the principle ‘comply or explain’. Karolinska Development follows the Code.